Smart City?
Beyond Bureaucracy!
BB'25 Theme: Self-Governance & CivilTech Innovation
The dg.o '25 BB-Track aims to outline and discuss challenges along the boundaries of society, technology, and governance, which reach beyond established e-governance research paths and priorities. The BB-Track invites contributions that discuss pending technological challenges, promotes the economic potentials of disruptive new technological ecosystems, and serves as a platform for pro/con deliberations on BB thought and knowledge.
After Vienna, Shanghai, New York, Dubai, Taipei ..., BB is comming to the
dg.o 2025 in Brasil!
Track chairs:
- Prof. Dr. Alois Paulin, HVF Ludwigsburg, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Robert Müller-Török, HVF Ludwigsburg, Germany
- Dr. Zach Bastick, Harvard University, US